Learning Arabic?
By WaffleIron •
I would like to learn Arabic
I am English speaking but think it would help me settle better in Qatar, not being around my colleagues because of pandemic I feel like I am losing out.
Can you recommends a course online to take?
I will pay.
Thank you for your post , I look for such article along time, today i find it finally. this post give me lots of advise it is very useful for me.
While online courses as suggested by other QLers may be helpful in giving you a start, the best way to learn any language is by mingling with the locals. You then get to pick up the phonetics and it's a faster mode of learning. I am not an Arabic speaker but I learnt the language by conversing with the Arabs.
It may be a bit difficult to learn the phonetics if you are from the west as Arabic has many words where the sound originates from deep down in the throat. So you need to keep plenty of throat lozenges handy should go on to take the Arabic language course!
I would recommend this course from Udemy (https://www.udemy.com/course/arabic-a21/) if you already know a bit of Arabic. If you want to start with the basics you can try this 3-hour free course from Udemy (https://www.udemy.com/course/arabic-a11/).
Following this thread. I would like to see what suggestions are there as well.