Hi everyone,
First time poster, but longtime reader. I felt inclined to write a forum topic as I have found frustrations of late when visiting shopping centres. How many times are people, security, shop workers etc going to turn a blind eye to smoking in these public places. I have never been a smoker and understand that it is an addiction, however what I do not get is walking into an eatery or coffee shop and seeing people smoking freely when there are clear signs stating it is against the law... am I missing something here? I even saw someone in City Centre and Landmark sit beneath the Government poster and light up... I just do not understand... can someone shed some light on this as I find it a disgusting habit, particularly if you are in the coffee shop and someone sits on the opposite table and lights up. Everyone is entitled to their vices but surely not when it is against the Qatari law??????
Many people who don't smoke die young!
smoking as they say.."fire at one end and a fool at the other"....kick the habit guys...y do u wanna die young
The only time I have been able to give up is when I was preganant/feeding etc. Managed it for that whole time but boy did I crave it. I enjoy it too much to even consider giving up. There are worse things I could be doing and I know there are better things too. It is a lifestyle choice for me and I don't inflict it on anybody else.
Well I hope that you've at least tried to quit Gloopy. Costly and just another way to die, as if there aren't enough ways as is?
We know we are social outcasts. We know this. However, smoking/smokers will not go away! Just like any other vice!
Lol it's really nuts and almost foreign to me. Sitting in a cafe and someone actually smoking inside a shopping centre.
Smokers are like 2nd rate citizens in Australia, there's hardly anywhere in public they can smoke anymore.
Like what? chop their fags in half?.......
Just light up and enjoy, no one will say anything to you, don't worry......
Maybe if there were separate areas in coffee shops and restaurants, provided for smokers and non-smokers, then everyone would be happy?
"Every adult of sound mind, should be able to choose to do whatever they want, as long as they cause no harm to others".
As a smoker, I have always respected the rules of smoking, as in, I am comfortable in my own home and those of fellow smokers. But never smoke where I am not allowed.
However, I do love a ciggy with a coffee and I miss being able to do that whilst out now.
Saying that, I once saw a lady be really rude to a local who was smoking, albeit, he should not have been. The following evening, by chance, saw her sat amongst loads of smokers in a bar! Seems to me she was making a point rather than set against smoking.
.those who light a ciggy under a no smoking sign are someone who don't know how to read..
.in short capital I-d-i-o-t..
I did not see any change during the games either.
The big problem is that the authorities in question, dont have the authority to enforce the law.
Such as security personnel cannot tell certain members of society what to do!!! Police cannot tell certain members of society what to do!!! Shop assistants cannot tell certain members of society what to do!! and so on.
Until that changes, laws in Qatar will be a lottery depending WHO YOU ARE!!
Wasn't this law a temporary law for the Asian games? At least it seems like it was. :P
deedee ... I agree, some do put them out when asked, probably due to embarrassment.
However, in Starbucks this week, Villagio, I was there with the family, 3 kids, all eating, so not easy to move tables.
At first nobody around us, but two guys in thobes sat at table next to us and lit up. The smoke on the outside tables drifted inwards over us. I asked politely if they would consider us and the children and either move or stop smoking.
One responded by saying I should move, then promptly blew smoke in my face.
Maybe if I was white or maybe if I also wore a thobe also he might have been more respectful, but I was ever so close to doing something regretable.
As do everybody else, I returned to my table, putting job and family first.
Mandilulur, I have also seen the staff being ignored by smokers. In City centre Starbucks some time back I did inform the staff of a smoker next to us, he just shrugged his shoulders and said what can he do. Sadly he is right, he has probably experienced similair to what I did.
However, I do not mean by this that all these ignorant people are thobe wearers, just my experience above they happen to be, but I see all nationalities flaunting these no smoking laws.
they recently announced in the papers that they were going to start enforcing the no smoking law (law is about 6 or so years old now) We will see if that ever happens. I have gone over to people and told them to put their cigs out. Most have politely done so.
I know, it seems a bit strange that one can only smoke in Qatar directly under a "No Smoking" sign. But in Starbucks if someone lights up you can just ask the counter personnel and they will request that the customer put it out.
I think that security officers and even the coffee shop owners themselves do not want to say anything especially if the person smoking is Qatari. My friend who is a smoker was told that she was not allowed to smoke meanwhile a Qatari guy behind her kept puffing away. I guess its like a lot of things here one rule for Qataris and another for everyone else.