Ramadan timings for MOI departments
The Ministry of Interior has announced the changed working hours at some of its major departments during Ramadan.
The Public Administration of Borders Passports and Expatriates Affairs and the Department of Citizenship and Travel Documents will work in two shifts from 8am until 1pm and from 9pm until 1am.
The Traffic Department will also work in two shifts from 9am to 2pm and from 9pm to 1am.
The Criminal Evidences and Information Department headquarters will work from 8am to 1pm.
The fingerprinting section at Industrial Area (for companies) will work in three shifts from 8am to 1pm, from 1pm to 6 pm, and from 8pm to 1am.
The fingerprinting section at external services centers will work in two shifts from 8am to 1pm and from 9pm to 1am.
Photo by Jidhu Jose