Anyone Interested to learn Golf at Doha Golf Club??
The Doha Golf Club gives 6 X 60min Golf Lessons for Starters. In order to claim fees of 500 QR pp the group should consist of 5 - 8 people.
I have already got 3 colleagues with me who are interested in learning Golf. I am now looking for atleast 2 more people to join us in order to form the required group of 5 students. The suggested day is Saturday and the time can be decided by the group in accordance with the availability of the Coach.
It will be great to start from this Saturday the 23rd of February. If you are interested please mail me or call me. Lets get our hand son those clubs before they decide to change their fees. sounds good...sms at 5647176
I too am interested in this.....
Hi Devesh, me & my friend interested to join, would you call me to discuss it in 4401438 or please let me know your mobile
Doha Golf Club is full of complete tossers, and here's why:-
I took my boss for dinner there the other day, (even checked to see non-members allowed to use the restaurant), both of us were dressed in what I believe is referred to as 'smart casual'. Anyway we were sat down and had ordered when an embarrassed security guy comes up and informs us that he has had a complaint that we are not dressed correctly as my colleague was wearing jeans and that we must go down to the other bar for our food. Fair enough I think, if thats the rules, until I saw who had made the complaint, four obesse, sweaty yanks, dressed in what can only be described as the most ridiculous golf kit ever made, (imagine Del-boy meets Fat Camp with Lycra).
I can only guess they must have been upset because they had to walk from thier buggies to the bar as the club dosn't have a 'drive-thru'.
"only mad dogs and englishmen go out in the midday sun"
NO way! It is the most boring thing ever......its for sad people who can't partake in real sports.
I am trying hard to think of anything more boring but I cant' for the moment.
Play football or rugby or cricket.... something real.
No. This is only for Coaching by the Instructor on basics
Does this fee comes together with a Handicap Test and Handicap Card?? Just asking.