Depression:Caring for a Depressed Person
Say this:......
1. You're not alone in this.
2. You are important to me.
3. Do you want a hug?
4. You are not going mad.
5. We are not on this earth to see through one another, but to see one another through.
6. When all this is over, I'll still be here and so will you.
7. I can't really understand what you are feeling, but I can offer my compassion.
8. I'm not going to leave you or abandon you.
9. I love you. (Say this only if you mean it.)
10. I'm sorry that you're in so much pain. I am not going to leave you. I am going to take care of myself, so you don't need to worry that your pain might hurt me.
Don't say this:.......
1. There's always someone worse off than you are.
2. No one ever said that life was fair.
3. Stop feeling sorry for yourself.
4. So you're depressed. Aren't you always?
5. Try not to be so depressed.
6. It's your own fault.
7. I think your depression is a way of punishing us.
8. Haven't you grown tired of all this "me, me, me" stuff yet?
9. Believe me, I know how you feel. I was depressed once for several days.
10. Have you tried chamomile tea?,,20189173_1,00.html
and unfortunately Bi-polar patients have a bad record of refusing medication (or self-medicating) because they actually get off on the Manic highs and don't want to suppress them through the medication which "evens" them out.
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
I used to live a with a guy who was a manic depressive. He was on medication, but things would just set him off.
Not easy to live or care for someone like that..
True clinical depression is manifested in a chemical imbalance and is hard to overcome without medication.
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
I'm not depressed! I just knew someone who lost thir lives to it and this sort of thing isn't flippant. MD, Man, just feeling homesick tonight, is all.. need some good old fashioned piss taking:).. where's Brit when I need him- Naa.. Bloody English. I need TallG:)
if you are in the state of depression then this is not a place for you....if you are depressed means you are sick....huh
The whole world is in a financial depression, Fran, and they do mess with it.
lol how i missed this thread ?
Is not somethimg you mess with.
Have you tried black cummin' seeds tea?
Victory- hope you are clear now.. lol
Thank u Bilu :)
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
victory i agree with you..SELF MOTIVATION TO COME OUT DEPRESSION!.
Victory .... only pajju is Depressed
Donot do Unto others what u don't want them do unto U!!
no more depressed....
Self motivation and self confidence help to come out.
Serious note Good info Thanks