Driver's opinion survey!
By MUS1K GURU 0625 •
Hey driving buddies, a road situation always bothers me whenever I am driving here in Qatar. So I think I need your opinions guys so I will be able to know what to do next time it happen to me! Here's the survey question:
What message corresponds the continous flashing of lights( from deam to bright headlight) from a car/vehicle behind you?
a) That the driver behind you is pushing you to drive more faster?
b) Or he is sending you to the side of the road for him to pass.
c) or maybe the driver is just SHOWING OFF!
It will surely help me and many people for a better understanding. Drive defensively. May God be with us always. Thanks to all (QL Community)
dude, for me bet. A & B..but more likely A, sends you a message: GET THE *** OUT OF MY WAY...BACK OFF!!!
have a safe driving to everyone...
A & B - Get the message. LET HIM PASS YOU SLOWPUSS!
just always remember...there are only two(2)traffic rules here in QATAR:
I should have included that letter D among the choices...and for those who replied( ka pepe and tagazoo), thanks guys, we are having more clearer picture now! CHEERS
Answer for "D:" could be EGO
My asnwer will be B. And it's true sometimes the driver just don't care if the next lane are free or not..
If your are talking about flashing on the left lane than I guess his telling you to move to the right for him to pass through. However if you are on the right, than answer #B is correct.
Im convinced. lol
thanks huggy baby, we in china grow up fast, think good and clear. all the best
Not for Elders, dude.
i thought survey for grown ups, sorry.
Dont confuse me dude, your ideas are out of context. please answer base on the survey question. cheers
in china , people strong, not week, so good rules, that is why we only chinese army in china, we strong, no puppies.
help! thanks dude!
he just wants you to let him pass..b careful before complying,bcos some of them dont care if there is no space to change lanes..they just keep flashing..