Einstein Letter is Back!!!
3 years back my eyes got onto a shocking and very important letter signed by this briliant man Einestein and i saw that somebody was overing to sell it on E-bay and as i remember it has been closed on something like 10,000$ .
Today, this letter appears again to be sold out by 18,000$ with increment 80% in the value.
what could you do if u have it ?
would you sell it again to gain the profit or u ll keep it for its great value as it is written by one of the greatest minds in the 20th century ??
for me i will keep it
see the link below
I had a question about one of your comments a while ago. Will you please give me your email address or another way to follow up with you? Thanks!
I will take a photo copy of it, or I will scan it
Then it will be "for sale"
this is very important letter and it shows in some how that the man who was the reason in inventing the atomic bomb was anti-terrorism and he used his mind not to be dragged by a racist or ethnic cause .
but the saudi man who bought the car that crashed in princess diana with 500, billions $ as i remember is buying a trash i think
@thelonius , lolzz you need to discover more the quantum theory so after you die we sell your letters ;)
Sell it to the highest bidder! For me it's useless but one man's trash as they say... so I'll just sell it!
I would keep it !!
this paper as i said worth 18,000$ how u are suggesting to put in garbage ?
if you have it would u throw it in garbage? lolzz
i bet not ;P
put in garbage...not worth it