How to combat boredom?
By the truth 321 •
Other than frequent the many bars (Tyler Im not on about you, then again where is Tyler these days???) what do people do to escape the quasi boredom of Doha/Qatar?
I am steadily running out of map co-ordinates to visit!!!
Now that I've been here a couple years and the monotony has taken over, I book a trip outta here every few months and daydream of where I'm going 'till it's time to fly.
Work has cut into my online time dramatically but the boredom can be killed by spending copious amounts of money on hobbies such as diving, sailing, motorcycles, just look around and try new things out. As for the bars of course they are always available.
Try Quiz Night at Rugby Club on Monday 12 Feb at 730 for some fun.
Hmmm- which personality is coming out today?
Check the "upcoming events" section on this site and there's always...the malls. :)
I highly recommend it, I do it as much as possible. They're a wild bunch. LOL
BBQ with some friends and drink wine or beers. Enjoying the sunset on the roof top from the Apartment. Learning how to cook is one of many options. Just a thought.
trolling the internet forums???