King Fahad Waslk out...
King fahad walked out from GCC summit ....The GCC summit whic is held in doha is going to make a cold war?on the opening session Ghaddafi(Libya) adressed the king Fahad(Saudi) as an american agent,protected by america,and maintained by america.. What Do u guys thnk abt this?is it just coz of Ego ????
Ghadafis ego could provide free light and power to fuel his own country! He gave up on Arab states before to try to be the leader in Africa, was throwing cash otu of his car as he visited African countries, now looks like hes back in the arab states trying to throw his weight about.
Sorry Guys its king abdullah who walked out...i did a wrong entry in name..
Hey.. you're misleading!!! Saudi King is King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz and not King Fahad as you are saying .!!!!
Could it be that they want to present a picture of harmony, brotherhood and nirvana amongst the Arabs ?
this makes the G20 summit more exciting., :)
call me ONE.
correction: It's the Arab league summit not the GCC summit! King Abdulla was about to walk out, he didn't really. what Ghaddafai mumbled was his twisted way of apologizing for the dispute between Saudi & Libya 6 years ago
Dont ask silly questions.. ;P
do u think they will ?
tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..
The Gulf Times does not mention the 'walk-out' of Ghaddafi nor Abdullah. Anybody knows why?
Dear All, Please note it was not King Fahd, it was King Abdulla who walked out of the summit. King Fahd passed away in 2005.
gadafi always plays this role.. I sometimes wonder whether he's "put up to this" by external forces.
PM is right. Too many egos at play. The saving grace is that at least they are communicating and they managed to issue a joint statement.
yes, i too heard the same news yesterday in radio !..
And the issue was solved at the moment itself..
tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..
Oooops, you are absolutely right, newtoqatar. I'm embarrassed for not catching the error and I bet PM is too. Thanks.
The leader of the Saudia Arabic country is Abdullah not Fahad. Take a look at wikipedia.
No worries, Eco Savvy, Advocate and Hashin are
able replacements. 8-/
Did I say able?
I say what I like and I bloody well like what I say
Actually, MagicDragon's bbc link explains it.
Who really walked out, gaddafi or Fahad
That guy from Libya sounds like a delusional fool.
Was the stage set for this kind of Drama!
Really did this thing happened
IF ues then there will be a lot more problems in middle east
I would like to know more abuot IT