By neoaspilet •
All of the biggest technological inventions created by man - the airplane, the automobile, the computer - says little about his intelligence, but speaks volumes about his laziness.-Mark Kennedy
The production of too many useful things results in too many useless people.
-Karl Marx
Laziness is directly proportional to technology, the farther we are in the future, the lazier we get.
Move that body folks!
Have a productive day ahead!
Ghazalz..Do d picture looks old? :(
Oh it has been changed just now...Yeah naughty childhood :))
PrincessSarah, I thought it was your teen's :))
have you tried to fix a tent in the desert? Them in LCs are expert in doing those.
Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards.-Aldous Huxley
but its up to us people if we will indulge our self on it and how we manage ourself in healthy and right path of life...
so cooooooooooool
Technology is not the culprit, mindset and conditioning is your enemy. You choose your waistline, not technology. This is a cop out.
Technology is not the culprit, mindset and conditioning is your enemy. You choose your waistline, not technology. This is a cop out.
thats the living opposite of your pix...ahahaha...
Right on target yashmak. If you saw the movie wall-e, the future is not far from that
Nice .... LOL
hahahaha... really sweet pix :P lolz
Bicycle- fueled by fat, makes you thin. Car- fueled by oil, makes you fat.
obviously,too many are lazy here due to technology,one example in 1 family house you saw minimum 5 cars,even goin to small store in 100 meters aways they have to drive,more than that,now adays here even houses not just buidings or villas has its own elevator,NO wonder abwt it, this country is rich.whAT i mean People are too much dependent with also reason too mUch obese in this country..
Shafaq - Childhood picture.. tnx
I luw ur pix :P
unfortunately this is the country of Laziness...boring with no new activities and bad weather too
but totally agree Laziness is directly proportional to technology