should i take this job offer, help me please
Hi everyone,Hallo Indonesian... i'm an Indonesian nurse... I am 26yr old and single, I got a job offer from HMC, in Doha. I have many considerations to take the offer actually:
1. I don't know whether QR 6,800/month (free accommodation) will be enough to support my living expenses and saving a bit
2. I don't know anyone there, and since i'm the only candidate who passed the test so far, i am afraid of being alone there
3. I don't know about the lifestyle there, are women free and safe to go around the town alone? how about the locals and expat, can we get along together well enough?
Please help me in making a proper decision by filling space in my knowledge about Qatar and even about HMC maybe for those who know about Hamad Medical Hospital.
Does anyone wanna be my friend? i don't wanna be like a real stranger there... It might be fun to know someone before i arrive there :)
pity we can't swap jobs, i'd rather move to jakarta.
@Jackmohan, hahaha u have a great sense of humor, u got me on that one, lol....
Getting a car? yeaa i will consider about that (i mean about the expenses, lol) seriously jack, i think it is a great idea but with my salary, will it be enough?!...
indo_uci it was a joke..But consider getting a car ...then life is fun ...honestly.
The temp right now is 50 degree celcius at noon ...35 degrees couple of hours after the sun has set honestly nobody walks...even you wouldnt...but september to february is good
Isn't this in the main forum??? English please....
The offer looks OK for a bachelor but depends upon you experience as well. good luck.
Hahahhaha... Jackmohan2007, i meant walk around the city... LOL
No body walks here... even the labourers get dropped by their company bus!
Makasih mas Harry, iya ntar dikabarin ya kl aku udah fix mw berangkat (tolong do'a nya aja yaaa biar semuanya lancar). Nanti aku message kl aku mw tanya2 buleh gak? makasih sebelumnya..... btw, salam kenal dan sekali lg makasih infonya. Nanti aku kabarin lg ya kl dah ada info selanjutnya ttg proses ku.
Datang aja Mbak Uci. Disini banyak sekali kok orang Indonesia. Dibandingkan dengan gaji mbak di Indo, kan sudah berkali2 lipat. Benar kok, cuma butuh 500-1000 untuk biaya makan sebulan. Biaya makan murah deh.. Jangan takut kepanasan, semua orang kerja Nurse di dalam ruang AC yang dingin. Kabari message kalau sudah datang ya..
Baru 2 tahun disini, betah ga betah sih.
Ga semua perempuan disini pake jilbab..yg jelas sekarang lagi musim panas...bisa sampe 50derajat suhunya, jadi kalo ga pake penutup kepala..ya gitu deh...alamat gosong
kalo ada hal2 lain yg pengen ditanyain..kirim pesen aja
Thank you all for the quick responses.... I feel like i've been welcome to DOHA somehow,hehe and I think i will consider that opportunity now.
So, for a girl walking around the town alone even til a bit dark is safe and OK there? and about the fashion and dress, do all women wear headscarf? or have to wear headscarf?..
Mas Imambudi, makasih yaa infonya. Wahh masa sih mas cuma seribu buat makan and ama jajan cm dua ribu toh?.. ohhh okeh okeh deh.. Eh ngomong2, salam kenal mas. Mas dari mana? saya dari bandung, tp aslinya sih org palembang. Udah brp lama mas di qatar?. betah dsana?. hehe...
Gaji segitu lebih dari cukup Mbak...biaya makan itu paling tinggi seribu...jajan plus beli ini dan itu paling dua ribu.
Rumah dan transportasi gratis dari perlu pikir dua kali untuk kesempatan yg bagus ini
My dear, the offer is very good. You can easily save QAR 4,500 per month (minimum), which is excellent. There are many Indonesian ladies in Qatar, there is an Indonesian Ladies' Group, I can put you in touch with them. Go for the position at HMC and if there is anything I can help with, please feel free to send me a private message.
Hope to see you in Qatar soon :)))
I think you'll also get a transportation/professional allowance of QR 1200/month in addition to your salary.
Just Grab it :-)
I think the salary rate u have mentioned (6800Qr) is a nice amount for a single person. You'll be able to save up to 4000 Qrs according to ur expenditures. Anyway, don't worry about it, Doha is safe and nice place in addition, it is full of Indonesian males & femals. For me, u r welcome and accept me as a friend to help u anytime u need help.
seems good to go
yea i think its enough you can easily save upto 4000 to 4500 per month easily.
you won't be a real stranger here. 70% of population here are foreign workers from all over the world. Everyone had the same concern of being along, as majority didn't have friends prior to coming here.
Qatar is safe country, there is nothing to worry about.
Women are semi-free, but it is unlikely that you will be asked: "Woman, where is your man? who do you belong to?". You can go around along or with other girls/guys, no problem.
Still, you have to dress modest, you are not allowed to live with man out of wedlock. Some companies just cannot accept a Lady-manager. Other than that, in daily life you will be fine.
Most likely you will be sharing accommodation with other nurses, so here you go, you will get friends in no time.
QAR 6800 with accommodation provided by company sounds not too bad. If you don't buy a car, your monthly expenses can fit QAR3000. With not too expensive car, add another about 1600-2000 a month.
If you don't have any job in your country, go for it. If you do have, think 10 times before leaving your home.
welcome DOHA
I think you should be OK
Don't worry be happy
You caould be able to save QAR 3000 to 5000 per month
That depend how you spend as wel
1 US$ = 3.65 QAR fixed rate