Uber exploiting Riders and Drivers alike
Any riders got tricked by Uber's free rides?
Because once they sign up during the next few cash-rides riders realise that Uber has back charged them for their so called "free ride". If you have signed up with Credit Card then the rides are pretty cheap but beware the curve ball is always round the corner.
The riders also get exploited by surge pricing. Uber can just message their drivers "more riders are looking for rides" will surely get drivers out even without the surge prices after all they want money too. Drivers are always looking for WHEN & WHERE there will be more riders.
The pricing should have been QR 1 per minute once the wheels start rolling - straight and simple.
As for their drivers not many of them realise that Uber robs them similarly. On the website they announce that they get only 20% of the ride, meaning if the ride is QR 100 then Uber gets only QR 20. But once or twice every day UBER takes away anything upto 40 to 50% of the bigger pie (mostly cash transaction) depending upon the strange algorithm writing into the software. The drivers do not have an option in their system to even contest the 40% loot. If drivers protest its easy to kick them out of the system.
Moreover more Kms the car runs the more they spend for fuel/maintenance/outside food. These 3 are unavoidable expense for a driver. Most drivers do not account properly for it and think erroneously that Uber is great money making machine. If a car runs around 300kms per day it gets severely degraded and maintenance cost soars at least by 2.5 times.
Just imagine there must be around 100,000 drivers in Qatar and using them, UBER makes atleast QR1million DAILY without as much putting a single desk/phone/office or even chair in Qatar and not even giving QR1 for Qatar Government. Is this how business is done?
How can the Govt allow this daylight ROBBERY of both the rider & driver HAPPEN in Qatar? The government has to block Uber website just like it blocks porn until Uber makes its pricing straight, simple, clear and without "surge".
The drivers have committed their QR70,000 to 90,000 new vehicle, the riders have committed their credit cards and what has Uber's committed? Is this how ANY business is done?
As for their correspondence work, most probably UBER has outsourced their work to some small office in India's call centre hub running 24x7.
Drivers reach riders because of the marvel of Google MAPS & GPS navigation both of which Uber uses for free. Zero credit for Uber for that.
Uber should not get more than 1QR from every ride irrespective of its length.
Good lessons for those who seeking free bees.