Where to buy Water Softener (preferably Shower-Head) in Qatar?
By shehzad104 •
I have looked into Lulu, FFC, Safeer and several other centers. All they have is water filters but no Water Softeners. Please let me know if you know any shop/centers where I can find such water softeners.
I think the online store would be a better choice than offline stores. If you don't know which soft water shower head to choose, I would recommend you to search for such a review article: https://www.gearhunder.com/best-water-softener-shower-head/
Shehzad: You may be looking for the item at the wrong place. Try the following two companies and possibly they could help you out. 1) Pure Water Technologies phone # 44645843, 44761562 2)International Gulf Trading phone # 44694340, 44694323. Best of luck.