Labour contract cannot be attested
I am a Filipino who got here in Qatar last March as a tourist. I hunted for a job and was luckily selected by a known company. To make it short, I passed all the requirements and interviews and was issued a 5 year working visa as a general supervisor though my work is as a technical officer for mechanical.
Everything went well , I started working since April 21 but last month, my problem started. Last may 23 ,my company informed me that they cannot get my contract attested due to the new ruling of the Qatari govt that general supervisors must have attested diploma certificates. Our company's hrd have all the documents I submitted to them and never did I mention nor submitted a document stating that I am a college graduate. Though I have reached 3rd year of electrical engineering course ( out of the total 5 yrs). All I have are training certificates and my 23 yrs work experience in various companies in Saudi Arabia.
Now, I was told that the QID is being held until I get my work contract attested which our HRD can't do because they said the ministry of labor is looking for attested educational documents specially degree certificates. Furthermore, since I work in the airport, they cannot grant me an MOI pass which requires a QID first.
What would happen to me now?
@acchabaccha- is it not the fault of HRD because I only did my part applying for a job? If I am not qualified, why did they hire me in the first place? Can they do something about this aside from going back to my country?
Contact this typing centre trust link 70303534 they will do and best service forever
Typing centre can do it . Check with them.
For certain positions an attested graduation certificate is mandatory even if you have extensive hands on experience in your field of work. The way it appears to me, you will soon be heading home. But wait for comments from other QLers.