Are the online jobs like data entry for real or are they just fraud websites?
I am looking for an online job(data entry) hoping that it would help me earn a minimum income.But i am not sure if the websites offering these jobs are for real.If i have to do the job,a registration fee has to be paid through credit card.i am concerned about the fact that we have to give them our credit card number.incase these turn out to be fraud websites,then we would be in trouble.Kindly let us know your opinion.
They are all fraud and if you give your credit card number be prepared for a big financial shock. My advice to all QLers is to avoid giving all your personal data even on your resumes. Some scammers advertise fake jobs and collect ppl,s personal information through their resumes and obtain credit cards in their names. The victims only find out when they get long bills and and sometimes end up paying for other people's shopping spree.
decent or legal websites will take the fees after getting u a job and u accept it.
Most are scam. If you need to pay, better be careful. Never give your credit card number.