Delrom petroleum
By shradha999 •
please help me to find contact number for Delrom petroleum in USA.Please advise if any call center can provide telephone conact for the above company.
I have received an employemnt ofer and just need to confirm same.THE CONACT number isnt avaialbel in the website
Hey ,Shraddha Even i Got the offer fro del just 1 day back Iam also Eager to Know whether its Fake or Original,You can call me on 77543039 for sharing the information.
just think thrice and look again on the offer they have sent u my brother every week 3-to 4 offers im receiving and all r scam so pls if u recive such email like [email protected] or live .com its 100% fake because no any company is using still the services of hotmail or any other email service rovider company it must be from the company domain
ya even i feel its fake.just wanted to conact the original company,as i would like to inform them on the same.
i mean there are people who can fall prey to this.b4 this the fake people shd be screwed
I bet you're being scammed:
I bet you're being scammed:
doing a little research on the net, namely in google maps both addresses depicted in delrom website either are fake, or they do operate under different names
Check for USA,+Macon,+GA,+United+States&aq=0&sll=32.804758,-83.553512&sspn=0.007827,0.013711&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=703+Joe+Tamplin+Industrial+Blvd,+Macon,+Bibb,+Georgia+31217&ll=32.805132,-83.553514&spn=0.007827,0.013711&t=h&z=16
As you can see in the US location it's another company
Check for UK,+Bilton,+Rugby+CV22+7HL,+United+Kingdom&aq=&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=30.268266,56.162109&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=32+Cornwallis+Rd,+Rugby+CV22+7,+United+Kingdom&ll=52.365171,-1.296848&spn=0.001422,0.003428&t=h&z=18
As you can see in the UK address it is mainly a residential area (or so it appears to be)
PS: try sending the an email and let them know you are going to be in USA next week for business and that you wuld like to have a phone number to call them.
SIDE NOTE: do not disclose any personal information before confirming the offer.