Do you know this company?
Hi , Could you any one of you help me know if this company by the name "M/s. Qatar Tabouk and interlock" exsits, is it a real company ,its Blocks manufactering company
cause i failed to find company details on line . so find if you atleast find me the a number.
i will be more than gratefull.
thts all i know of the company
pls ASAP,
Thank you so much , did , i couldnt thts y , but i find your company , which i was told theres a vancancy , for an ex/secretary , they called me , a indian based manpowere service which said was in contact wit you call Qblock company , and said abt the GM too A spanish lady ... took it so long and make it short at the end send said no visas, afraudster usiing your compamy name
and why dont yu google yourself?