I am getting tired of this SH$$T
We have a sub-contractor working for us and he is treating his employees very badly. The food they are given is crap, they dont have overalls. More than 10 are cramped into one room. Those people come to me for their grievances and ask me to talk to their employer, I have tried talking to their manager but he is also helpless. He has told me that the owner controls everything.
These poor people are working 12-14 hours per day without any over time.
Why doesnt the Government do anything about these people?
Why doesnt the Government fix a minimum salary. When will the Government wake up?
Everyday I see the plight of these people and I am afraid that one day I will also become stone hearted.
Mullah KnoxCollege in Deep Pain.
This is hard to take, however all great nations were once built on cheap labour. Their efforts will grant those to come a better future.
Let's think positively, others we'll grow old too quickly.
Don't give up brother. You earned my deepest respect this day. Just work hard and study all the angles. There seems to be more ways than one in everything; being a politician, just enough to build a certain comfort level with these people might work--then attack.
People tend to listen to reputable sources.
I certainly hope effective communication still works even in this land. Sincerely, best of luck buddy.
Inform the labour dept.,they'll come and check.
They are very strict now.
You sensitive lol..but i agree with you it does seem human rights are forgotten. I dont see how employers can treat their workers in this manner, i mean would they like to be crammed into a room with 10 other people. You seemed to missed the "carrfour family day too" last Friday in CC, where labourers are excluded for going to the shopping centres. After a hard working week, also deemed not good enough to hang out there, utterly disgusting...so you see this treatment also extends to their "social life too..They cant catch a break anywhere..
I just cannot see this anymore. I have raised the issues in every bloody meeting and with every manager I have met but they just laugh it Off. What the hell is wrong with the people. Have they forgotten about basic human rights, Have they forgotten God. Or have I become very sensitive.
The plight of the labourers is very sad and unfair, something has to change sometime, people cant go on living like this...
that you cannot get driving license without your employers approval.
you cannot get a cellphone without employers approval
you cannot open an account
you cannot get electricity and water connection without your employer's approval
Welcome to the MIDDLE EAST my friend ...
as if It has done anything so far?
but you have to be sure about their living conditions and you should know their exact accommodation address. Usually they have inspectors for such cases
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