Would be interested in bringing my business and experience in qatar
I have my own company of manufactoring hard-wood flooring for export, mainly parquet and boards.
Speak english, french, italian, spanish and manage a bit in classical arabic.
Would be happy to meet some interesting people who could be interested in collaborating with me and to make me discover the country, the people, the market, etc. Thanks in advance for your help and support in this matter.
see my website : www.oliwood.it
Serais heureux de rencontrer des qataris qui pourraient m'aiguiller pour exporter mon activité dans ce pays plein de vie et de ressources.
Je fabrique du plancher massif et l'export principalement sur la France. Néanmoins j'aimerais bouger un peu et vivre dans un pays dynamique.
j'ai de très bonnes connaissances en langues, licencié en finances, expérience en trésorerie...mais j'aime trop le commerce et la créativité pour rester dans un bureau...
D'avance merci pour votre aide et conseil.
Saluti a tutti ...saludos a todos !
Can support in all posiible ways.
but send your company profile completely.
[email protected]
are you looking for partner to invest money with you or u want some one to facilitate your business?
what country will you be comming from
what products u produce now?
do u have a web wher some of ur products maybe can seen?
email me and lets see what we can do together
Ahmad [email protected]