Cost of Living in Qatar
I am in Qatar for some years and recently i can see many sudden increase of cost of living.Food price, House rent even kids school fees getting increase except the salary. Any reason for this or is it because of global depression. In our countries government normally increase the Tax for the items but here no taxes but prices are getting increase. So now no saving like previously. Any Idea ...(my barber also increased the price for hair cut from 10QR to 15QR)
i live in us and the cost of living here is so high i can't afford to live on m y own i must live with family so i agree the cost of living is high everywhere but like they do there they give no increase on pay maybe we should contact goverment about that because i wanna move to qatar but if it's cheaper than us i will let's compare tell me your prices and i'll tell u mines
yes..other countries cost of living is goes higher and higher... That s correct. Mainly on third world countries.. But Qatar is Oil/Gas rich country.. any control of this. I think now they want to keep their money in Qatar making cost is high so their will be no saving.
".....even though I dont have much.. "
this is precisely why it costs so much.
yaa its flyin n rising up up n up// not only here no more savings ..
i wish salary also up n up n up...
QR15 thats cheap I apy QR150 for my hair even though I dont have much.. Wow I have been taken for a ride here.. Please give me detail of your barber, I will stop going to the Sheraton for a hair cut!