How to Report a HTC Stolen Mobile and track it?
I'd like to know the proper procedure to report the stolen phone (I call 999 and they says that this is not an emergency... they are right)
Also is possible to track it? and hopefully recover it... it was a HTC Touch Pro mobile :(
I went to QTel, but, they only can help me with to suspend it and replace the sim card...
This is the history about how it happens:
I lost my mobile on march 16th around 9:30 a.m. in a taxi (‘carwa’ Driver No 381_ Car No. 166_), I try to recover it unsuccessfully, I call to my number and nobody answer during the following 3 hours, and then it was turned-off... at the same time I call the company and the driver says that he doesn’t found the phone and he pick up other people after me and maybe they should took it.
The mobile should be locked, but they can use the sim card in other mobile and I’m afraid that maybe these people could make phone calls during the time that they took and when the line finally could be suspended... hopefully no...
Please let me know your suggestions.
Many Thanks!
u nid to go to the nearest police station where it'd happen. call Qtel to suspend your number so that he/she can't use ur number for crime purpose. The police will get the details of your fone(imei no. or the serial number and they will know later if ur will be use here in doha if your lucky. If not they will just send ur fone outside and you can never get it back.
reported as soon as possible
cuz if the jackass who took ur phone used it in a theft or murder the police will be looking for u