i am looking for a part time job 4-5 hours only,
hello i am married woman here in qatar and i just want to ask if somebody can help me to find part time jobs here,this is my email ad f u want to contact me [email protected],i just want to work coz i feel bored staying here at home waiting for my husband after his work.i really feel bored that sometimes i wanna go home...pls.pls.pls...thanks and god bless!!
thank u so much guys for the advise,
send me a PM with your qualifications
well i have a few part time jobs if u wish write me with your detailed CV.
if you like to work as domestic helper like cleaning house & cooking there is immediate opening
gl22,,appreciate your answer... that is so correct & helpful to anyone with the same problem lei05 is facing!
are you ok with baby sitting? I have seen a lot posted on Classifieds..
start your own work at home. learn applying hinna disigns and make public through your contacts and you can earn some money there, you can also learn some interesting dishes to please your husband once he comes back from office, plan for more kids as kids will make you very busy that you will get tired, decorate your home with hand made items don't spend money and try to make handicraft, do painting and try to sell them if they are good :), do home tutions for school kids, there are lots of things to do from home itself you just get started with something that you like.