IT job
Hi.. I am a software testing engineer with 2 yrs exp in Bangalore, India... Currently am in Qatar... Hav hunting job from past 2 weeks, but couldnt find any here.... can anybody help me to locate atleast a consultancy ( IT jobs )??? or is there any scope of getting A job here for me?? or is it better for me not to waste time here ?? Plzz suggest me..
Here you will find the top 10 IT companies in Qatar. For every IT company in Qatar, you will find details about the company such as description, company size along with their website, facebook page, linkedin profile etc and where how to apply for and IT job in Qatar. The rank is based on influence, presence online and quality of IT companies in Qatar.
Also check below for a database of Qatar IT companies HR emails:
I think Qatar is not a good choice to find IT jobs..Try with Mannai Corporation..Here its very difficult to get a good placement especially in S/W, better try in Netwkg if u r eligible!
Gud Luck!!
Don't waste your time here. There are more IT applicants than IT jobs available.