Present living cost for family of five
Hi, I am Dinesh from India. Recently I have received one offer from one company in Doha, Qatar.
(13500 (Basic) + 1800 (food)+ 2000 (transport)QR
Company is providing fully furnished accommodation containing (All furniture/connections like : Utensils, T.V., Frize, A.C., Water, Net , Electricity , T.V.Cable.
- Deposits & monthly bills), educational fees)
I am thinking to shift to Doha with my wife, 2 kids (2 year, 6 months) & with one baby sitter.
May I manage to save some money?
Whts the present cost of living in Doha for such family?
This is a good offer,Just grab it.
If you do not spend lavishly and live an average life here are the expenses per mnth.
Water and Electricity - 600 Qrs
Telephone Bill(if u use VOIP for Indian calls) - 1200 Qrs
Groceries - 3500 Qrs
Entertainment - 3000 Qrs
Baby sitter - 1500 Qrs
Car loan - depends on what car u buy.
I would say you can save atleast 5000 Qrs(including car loan)..
Depends upon how much you are targeting to save from 13500 and how much to spend...
People are living in 5000 and saving, and some earning 25000 and have no saving...
Its all about your lifestyle dude...
“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.”
Sir Winston Churchill