Qatar LIVING logo car sticker
I was driving this morning through Mansoura st; and found a Huyndai Matrix with Qatar LIVING logo sticked at the back of the car. For the car driver, please let me know where did u get this sticker from or how did u manage to do it.
Mod note: Stick to this question save the link check few days later for location on this question to have your sticker from DaRuDe. The stickers are absolutely free of cost and there are already about 700 cars on Doha streets driving around for the last 8months.
thanks to darude, i got three stickers from him.
Hey, I am the one who started it :)
And I tried to ask the girl driving the car, but it was very busy street this morning.
I need 2 for me and my wife.
looking for your reply Darude
Thanx in advance
hey DA, dont forget me...i too wanna have one..
1 for me please :)
Da would be nice if ppl would donate something towards the costs of these Stickers.. yes one for me too.
pasting QL sticker to the car is legal? if so, why don't all QL members with car have this sticker? so that this can also serves as an identity that having this sticker is a legal member of QL?
-=this is only a suggestion=-
There is no such thing as QL stickers. Never seen one. This fellow Darude claims to be the one distributing them, but I don't think this fellow Darude exists, either.
1 for me pls
I'm watching you...I have 100 points, can I get one too???;-)
i got 2 stickers from treysdad (FilExpat Admin.) he gave it to us when we had our BBQ Feast II event.
darude, me too love to have 1 , thanks in advance
Just Bookmark this Question link or save this question link i will annouce later where you guys need to come to collect 1 for each after few days.
Hi DaRuDe
Would you please provide one for me !!
Thanks in Advance
If the sticker was plucked then someone else will pluck it from you, possibly deepoo. I think Darude should provide some details for the QLers to find it out easiy.
can i have three ?
Y didn't u follow him and pluck the sticker out. BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME
Well i want to have 1 sticker for Qatar Mr.Darude how can i contact you?
Oh and by the way was it a green color car.
you need to get to me to have one. :)
I am the one distributing Qatar Living Stickers.