GCC Driving License & Qatar DL- what's the difference?
By pretty_angel •
Hi everyone..would really like your help in this- I have the Qatar DL, and was wondering if it's valid in the GCC? Also, is there a GCC DL that I can get or give a test for??
Thanx a ton folks
yes, Liyakath has given the correct answer. In uae you hav to give test to get license. But if you have uae licence you can get qatar licence without test. Only 250QT. fees to pay. I dont think there is a Gcc licence
qatar driving licencse is valid in countries like saudi arabia,oman,kuwait,bharain,only in dubai if ur are permanently shifting u have to give a new driving test and get the new licence,whereas in the above listed countries u can easily transfer ur licence for a minimal fees.But if ur a visitor to dubai u can drive with ur qatar license for 1 month
my dear do you know what GCC stands for?