Greeting at Airport
By aprilfamily •
Ok, this is gonna sound so goofy, but my husband was told by his employer that we should not hug or kiss when he meets us at the airport. We've been apart for three months!!! C'mon!!!
Is this really true?
no way, you see people kissing and hugging all the time. You can't have long kisses but pecks are alright for sure.
Click here for Qatar info I♥Q
and give a big hug this is the best thing to do after long time away from each others so don't miss it
Maybe a hug and slight touch to the lips but not swaking that everyone could call an intrigue look!
"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches you a lesson profit from it then, forget it."
Its better to kiss your husband at home , Because may some one say or do something and your husband say or do something and make a fight then they will take you out of Qatar in the same plane which you came on it.
Thats my advice
kiss in the cheeck is fine also hug ... i do it all the time when i meet good friend or picking relatives up at the airpotrt. Furthermore you see locals here doing it too.
Where is whoami? I am sure he can clarify to us since he is a local.