Moving to Qatar - first time as Expat
Appreciate if somebody can help me.
I'm moving to Doha soon start working for QG.
My offer seem to me ok, however maybe my sallary is too low so I like some comments.
The benefits includes free accomodation, free schooling for the kids, interest free carloan, etc. etc. maybe more or less the standard package.
My sallary is to be around 25K Qatari money a month.
Is this enough to have a comfortable life?
Appreciate som answers as soon as possible,
when I was negotiating my package my new boss asked if I was a "bachelor"...
I momentarily thought of inventing a husband and rugrats...but instead said, "Um...the western equivalent of that is spinster, but unmarried woman would be ok!"
Thank you for your reply.
from what I know they have a brand new compound in Doha, the old one was i Al Kohr and there they also had own schools.
Good that you point out the problems regarding schools
Personally, I think, it's for us (human being) wanting more than whatever we have acquired. You simply check about the availability of the schools for your children and accept the opportunity. Many more people are living here within 15K salary. You are one of the luckiest persons to have the offer of 25K plus the package!
i only can second pwb78, as far as the company looking after for the accommodation (not giving you the allowance) you should be fine. And schooling must be sorted before you uproot the kid/s from wherever you come from. Finding school here is a nightmare at the moment. Some of my friend have kids in 2 different schools and with the traffic it is a pain for the school run.
Hi - I say you and your family will do fine with 25000 QR a month. With enough to save as well. Make sure your kids actually have a place in whatever school they are paying for. Schools are packed and have waiting lists, long ones. Just so you know - if they are giving you cash for housing - a nice, compound with multiple amenities will run about 20000 QR a month. Good luck with the move.