step by step process from car accident
got a car accident 2 nights ago, the man who hit my car told me to go to his insurance cpy. (QIC-which i don't know where it is) after the eid, i got the police report and ready for tomorrow to go to QIC, but how long does it take to process this, what should i do and bring...requires help here..thanx
are you sure that it is the other insurance company and not to your insurance company. there is an agreement between insurance company that in case you have an accident and its not your fault, after you get the police report you will go to your insurance company. your insurance company will check the damage to your car then they will tell you to bring it to a garage. they are now the one responsible to collect to the other insurance how much the repair will is based from my experienced. i am hit by a car and i went to my insurance company.
thnx for the answer do i need to go directly to industrial area or to the QIC offices at Cring?sorry, another question, i'm not really not sure what to do next...thnk u thank u
get it repaired from the insurance co. autho.garage only.
After obtaining police report, you can approach the Insurance company of opponent car(you have mentioned as QIC), QIC - claims department is located at street no.42
Industrial Area. After inspecting the car, the insurance officials will give a letter to garage(authorised garages) where you can take your car and get it repaired.
Very simple process!