The Bush Administration is on track with its plans to
attack Iran before George Bush Jr. leaves office
in 18 months.
Unfortunately, few Americans think this is probable,
let alone possible.
It is both.
I agree with Scott Ritter and Daniel Ellsberg
(of "The Pentagon Papers" fame) that this attack
will have negative consequences on the world and
American citizens far in excess of 9/11 and the
Iraq War.
It could very well be the final nail in the coffin
of American democracy.
With that in mind...
Here are some facts to share about the Iran situation to stop this war
before it starts:
*** Reality check
The Bush propagandists are hard at work trying to draw a
comparison between Nazi Germany and Iran.
There are a few major problems with their fairy tale.
For example:
1. Modern Iran has no history of military aggression
Fact: Iran has never invaded or attacked another country
in the Middle East or elsewhere.
In contrast, the US has savaged Iraq causing the death
of over 600,000 civilians since 2003 alone.
In the summer of 2006, Israel bombarded Lebanon in a
"search for terrorists" killing over 1,000 civilians and causing
billions of dollars in damage to the country's infrastructure
(airport, ports, roadways, housing, and factories.)
In 1980, the US encouraged its ally Saddam Hussein
to attack Iran and he did with terrible consequences
for the Iranian people.
2. Who has nukes?
a. Iran has no nuclear weapons
b. Iran lacks the ability to create nuclear weapons
c. Iran is permitted by international treaty to develop
a nuclear energy program.
In contrast, the US has the largest nuclear weapons stockpile
on earth and has stated, under the Bush administration,
its "right" to use them "pre-emptively" at President
Bush's discretion. The US continues to develop new
and "improved" nuclear weapons.
Israel has a well developed nuclear weapons program
and is the only nuclear power in the Middle East.
3. The US attacked Iran in the 1980s using Iraq as a surrogate
Saddam Hussein, who was put in power by the US, was supported
in his invasion of Iran with billions of dollars in US weapons
shipped to him by Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr. and coordinated
by people including Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney.
Over 300,000 Iranians were killed in this US-funded war and
over 500,000 were wounded.
It was during the US supported-Iraq attack on Iran that the
US transferred chemical and biological weapons technology
to Iraq. There is evidence that the Bush family commercially
profited from these arms exports.
4. The US installed and maintained a tyranny in Iran
that operated from 1953 to 1979.
In 1953, the US and CIA with help from the UK engineered a violent
overthrow of the country's democratically elected government and
then supported a brutal, anti-democratic dictator in Iran - the
so called "Shah of Iran" - who jailed thousands of dissidents and
engaged in vicious torture.
Thats what QL's for........unfruitful and fruitful discussions!
And your job is communicator!!! LOL
forget these unfriutfull discusion and live your life
forget these unfriutfull discusion and live your life
You have just put together the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle. The same way Bush was able to put the pieces together for his attack on Iraq.
Wonder who will be next after Iraq. Thats the big question.
The war on terror will never end and the Americans will never sleep in peace thanks to their administration.
On a positive note atleast my country Afghanistan is now an American Colony and hopefully I will be getting the same privileges as other American Citizens.
America Here I Come....
Bush will definitely start another War on Terror
The objective of the war on terror is not to win the war but to create a constant state of war. Once you create a constant state of war people will willingly give up their civil rights in order to feel protected that they dont wake up as dead bodies.
The war on terror has no end point. It will never end and is without any national boundaries and the whole globs itself is the battle field.
This is what Bush will do and is doing to legitimize his war on terror.
Afghanistan, Iran, Iran, Syria etc etc
I remember Bush's one mighty good statement
"Either you are with us or you are with them (the terrorists)"
Iran supports the shiites as no one else supports them. They dont support the Sunnis as everyone else supports the Sunnis.
[img_assist|nid=14395|title=Smile, life is too short!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|desc=|link=none|align=center|width=180|height=97]
If not wrong as stated by immi.
1. Iran did attack UAE during the during early 70s and occupied 3 islands. Till now it did not agree to hand it back to UAE.
2. Pro Iranians tried to assasinate former Emir of Kuwait during the 80s
3. Iran often encourages the "export" of "Islamic Revolution" to neighboring Gulf states.
4. Every now and then they claim Bahrain is an integral part of Iran.
Recently, two Iranians were captured by Kuwait authorities while smuggling some 300 official military customes to Iran.
With all the above, you do not think that there is an Iranian threat to the area? To me, as an Arab and Muslim, I think we can handle this situation. But the Iranians are inviting the world to attack them. Seems there will be a threat or blackmail to the whole world by having Iran controlling the oil supply out of the Gulf region, thinking they are a major power. Next thing, they will ask for is the right to be a permenant member of the UN Security Council.
Honestly, I see current Iran as a replica of Nazi Germany.
Well at least we don't have puppet Blaire as PM anymore here, so here's hoping!
Come on, is he THAT stupid to start a World War 3 ??
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield
Well it's 1,2,3, what are we fighting for,
Don't ask me, I don't give a damn.
Next stop's gonna' be Iran,
Well it's 5,6,7, open up the Pearly Gates.
Well there ain't no time to wonder why,
Whoopee we're all gonna die.
totally agree with you both. Let's hope it doesn't happen!
...maybe I should stay in Honkers....
If you're living life on the edge, you've got too much room.
...sacrifce the 5th Fleet (as a new Pearl Harbour catalysing event) which has no effective defence against the Iranian's Russian missiles in order to justify a war and stop China's access to ...guess....
If you're living life on the edge, you've got too much room.
Qatar becoming a target for the Iranians, as will Dubai, Bahrain, ect....anywhere that American interests lie i guess. Scary thoughts really, but i truely believe if Bush goes after Iran its the beginning of the end. Other countries will side with their alligencies and ......
[img_assist|nid=17864|title=Chicks dig Guys with skills|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=440|height=440]
i just dont find it a coincidence that two wars in Iraq took place when both Bush-heads became president. George B has to be one of the most dumbest presidents USA has ever had :) no offence to any americans here. I for one am on the side of Iran. (suddenly i feel like a cheerleader)
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
if bush does attack iran all hell will break loose, no one is going to be safe.
if they do as Qatar could be a taget for Iran as you have big American base there!
is that Bush has no sense of reality. If he thinks he can do it he will. He's a complete egotistical halfwit.
For what its worth,( not much if you ask Stealth or Hassan), in my opinion Bush will push it to the brink before someone or something stops it. I dont want to think about. This one could be the real deal.
[img_assist|nid=17864|title=Chicks dig Guys with skills|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=440|height=440]
Ohh fiddledeedee.....
Michael Moore breaks his silence
on 9/11 and asks a big question: