Salary of 10,800SR in Al-Khobar, KSA?
By speedmarks •
Would a salary of 10,800SR per month enough for a single guy to live in Al Khobar, KSA and save enough in a year? The amount includes housing and car allowances except mobile line which will be provided by the company. How much would be the cost of living in Eastern KSA?
living cost is very low in KSA. you can save money
Housing for bachelor : SR 500-700 per month
Transportation: SR 300 per month
Food : SR 1000 per month
Remaining will be your saving
Go for it
frankly, its good salary considering the low cost of living in Saudi Arabia.
Go for it, Man.
Half decent compound SR600 - SR800 / sqm per month for housing.
You can survive on 10k, no problem