Un-authorized charge on credit card by Voice-pay
Hi all,
I use a Pay&Go card (pre-paid credit card from Masraf). There was an un-authorized charge on my card by a company called voice-pay.
Has anyone else had a similar experience? I did a bit of research through google and found that other consumers too have similar complaints.
http://www.voice-pay.com is the url of the company that seems to be doing the un-authorized transactions.
Pls let me know if anyone has any info about it.
VoicePay are part of the Voice Commerce Group (www.voicecommercegroup.com). They deliver a range of secure online services for companies who want to accept card payments; they're a bit like PayPal or WorldPay if you've ever heard of them? Most often payments are for purchases over the Internet on online stores (shopping!) but sometimes they’re done the old fashion way on the telephone (paying your plumber). Normally you don’t see their name on your statement but the best thing to do would be to contact them at [email protected] or on +44 (0)1223 550 920, they can search for the payment on their system and tell you who it was to.
Go to your bank, and file a written dispute against this transaction. They will hold the vendor's payment, and credit your account.