Previous company deposited a money to my current account on the atm issued by them.
By blubuluran •
My previous company deposited a money equivalent to my 1 month salary in the current account on the atm issued by them(previous company) upon leaving they give my setlements, gratuity and a one way plane ticket and noc but they did not give my excess working hours or over time. Now i would like to ask if its possible if they can take the money that they depisited or sue me if i spend the money? Till now i did not get any e mail or notice from the accounts of the company or the bank stating that they accidentally deposit the money.
Call them to know, if they transferred it by mistakenly. Better to return them by taking receipt being Honest.
if its in your contract that you will get additional pay for overtime, then you can ask it, if the contract says together with the package you got, inclusive of fix overtime, then better not argue with it. If the money was deposited on your account by accident better return it back as you did not work for it. Honesty is the best policy - Good Karma will eventually go your way.
Without informing the detail of this transaction, you may call to your previous HR department and ask them if they are still considering to pay you the overtime, you would get to know immediately.