Mid-Day Break...Choices & Answers Pls!!!
Ello ello ello everyone!!!
Its the Mid-Day Express Break that I require all of you to take from all the hard work, toiling heat, and immense amount of Serious QLing that is getting you all interested and busy!
Just a few questions...
1) I notice that there isn't much of action (Events) happening around Eid this year so its practically going to be Pretty LAME!
So what are y'll planning on doing for Eid Holidays???
2) There are two major events lined up...
i) Paul Van Dyk Live in Doha at the Intercontinental Hotel, Beach party...which is on the 02nd October 2008...
ii) Hedkandi at the Qube, Ramada Plaza Doha, on the 10th October 2008...
I would like to know which of the events do QLers prefer more...or both of them...and would all of you want to go as a group so we could get some discounts (if possible)...this is an open invite to all so as to see your responses and then get down to organizing this for QL and QLSG!!!
So come on people, put down your views and answers ASAP please...
Thanks and CHEERS!!!