Tips & Tricks (How to Test your Computer Ports)
Test your computer ports within the Command Prompt mode
You will need to get to the Commnd Prompt first.
Click on Start/Run,type cmd and click OK.
Then enter the debug mode by typing the command, debug.Press (enter). you will get a prompt.
Type D40:0 and press (enter)
You will get a bunch of lines of which the first line will look like this:0040:0000 F803 F8O2 E803 E802-BC03 7803 7802
This is how you can interprit it:
F803=com1, F802=com2, E803=com3, E802=com4, 7803=lpt1,
if you see F803, for example, it means that com1 or usb1 is being detected.But if it is 0000 instead,it means com1 or usb1 has not been detected.This could mean that the com1 port or usb port is not functioning or it is disabled within the BIOS.
To quit this debug mode just type (Q)and press (enter).With this you will return to the DOS prompt.Type EXIT and press (enter)to exit the command prompt mode.
Hope this will help you folks, troubleshooting your periphirals connected in your PC....