Read this in todays Gulf Times
By t_coffee_or_me •
Soccer Players wanted Expat of all ages from between 6 - 55 needed to form new football teams......
Coaches, Trainers, Backroom staff & Volunteers also needed.
Call Peter 7169301
Can't post the link
before you reach Qatar, call Peter 7169301, so that you can come prepared for that as well.
When you reach Qatar contact Peter
Do you have any other details? i want to play but don't arrive until June!
This is fot Qatar Expats Football League
Yes That age group can play Football there will be different age bracket.
But its absolutely hilarious and look insane kinda AD..can we know whoz that country actually??
I can play for the 'age of 5' group, no problem. I think i can keep up with their professional level. 55 group also wouldn't be too bad. I can keep up with their speed level.
Do they need female players as well??:-)
???? what ??? 6-55 yrs of kid and adults for soccer?? whoz that crazy country???