Weight Loss tips for the month of Ramadan.....
Weight Loss tips for the month of Ramadan.....
We are getting ourself ready for the month of ramadan, the best and most favorite month in Islamic calender, which remind me of my childhood and happy times. Going to masjid with family for taraveeh and Qiyam is wonderful feeling Mashallah~ Ramadan is the month which is not only for worship but gathering with family and friends. Almost whole month we keep ourself busy in cooking and eating delicious food.
Let me share one tip; which was given to me by my best friend, its applied and tested 100% works plus healthy inshAllah. She advised me to workout 1 hour before Iftar/fatoor time. She used to walk for an hour before fatoor/magrib time and amazingly she was not that much hungry for food after excessive walk. She also said what is the use of working out after fatoor, that way we are only loosing the food we just ate. But in reality we want to shade off the fat we have in our body. Folks!!! she lost her 15 kg ! and look so beautiful as compare. Do not forget to drink sufficient amount of water and have everything but in limits :) there is no hard and stick rules.
How much water we should drink or how many glasses are sufficient for our body? for every 20kg of weight we should drink 1 liter water so, if a person is 60kg then 3 liter water :) so just think how many glass of water should we consume a day?