I thought you were one of the more sensible posters on...
"Just checked his profile. Says it all. I...
Vegas - You don't need to prove anything to me. Where...
Wow, "unethical food"??? LOL! That's a first. Fat...
Too much salt in chips too. Just watching those junk...
Doha Land..... LOL! Return to roots? Qatari identity?...
Thanks for the excellent suggestions on towing and...
Singleguy - "In addition, I find many modern...
I thought you were one of the more sensible posters on...
"Just checked his profile.
Says it all.
Vegas - You don't need to prove anything to me. Where...
Wow, "unethical food"??? LOL! That's a first. Fat...
Too much salt in chips too. Just watching those junk...
Doha Land..... LOL! Return to roots? Qatari identity?...
Thanks for the excellent suggestions on towing and...
Singleguy -
"In addition, I find many modern...