Thank you for your very informative and reasonable...
you are right. She is my 10 year old daughter and thank...
might help. One of my friends has it in his car and it...
I don't think I really understood anything of your post...
I am impressed. I got to work at 8.30am and thought I...
I confess I feel a little lightheaded. Maybe Al Cohol...
If you had read my original post properly, you will see...
the muslim position on adoption? I have been reading...
That is my understanding and what our HR people tell me...
Thank you for your very informative and reasonable...
you are right. She is my 10 year old daughter and thank...
might help. One of my friends has it in his car and it...
I don't think I really understood anything of your post...
I am impressed. I got to work at 8.30am and thought I...
I confess I feel a little lightheaded. Maybe Al Cohol...
If you had read my original post properly, you will see...
the muslim position on adoption? I have been reading...
That is my understanding and what our HR people tell me...