i went to tristar in the industrial area for my jeep...
hit the point that will hurt him: his car. start...
2 schools: bonaparte= french school with priority...
at voltaire school, there is ONLY french "accreditated...
you must say wich level you've got exactly. what...
A oublier! bac pro inimaginable a l'etranger....
good luck to find... i gave up! just find...
i went to tristar in the industrial area for my jeep...
hit the point that will hurt him: his car.
2 schools:
bonaparte= french school with priority...
at voltaire school, there is ONLY french "accreditated...
you must say wich level you've got exactly.
A oublier!
bac pro inimaginable a l'etranger....
good luck to find...
i gave up!
just find...