whr r the bossoms?
rectum???wud b a tuf job fr drac to reach thr :P..once...
sounds drac is a keen student...lookin fr too much...
edifis can u name some of the othr attractive/fleshy...
lolllzzz at rye..
smthng nt new...
she shud b taught the right lesson..donno y these ppl r...
whrs my gun?
xxxpat,hehehe,omg i luv it wen u bark ;)...so u guys nt...
hehehe,xxxxxxpat,i knew u coward ass cant b frm thr,was...
whr r the bossoms?
rectum???wud b a tuf job fr drac to reach thr :P..once...
sounds drac is a keen student...lookin fr too much...
edifis can u name some of the othr attractive/fleshy...
lolllzzz at rye..
smthng nt new...
she shud b taught the right lesson..donno y these ppl r...
whrs my gun?
xxxpat,hehehe,omg i luv it wen u bark ;)...so u guys nt...
hehehe,xxxxxxpat,i knew u coward ass cant b frm thr,was...