to determine the loan amount. If you feel it is unfaur...
They are 100% Qatari owned. The management does have...
It is extremely difficult to get one. Best would be to...
I work in the city near the SOUK. Just behind the...
Sipho's very pregnant sister was in a car accident....
Kids sit in a South African classroom. Teacher...
entertaining, thanks for giving me a good laugh. Most...
Sure you can. I do not have one, but hell why not. Men...
You got me noms! he he
I went there last week and the Baboons were gone....
to determine the loan amount. If you feel it is unfaur...
They are 100% Qatari owned. The management does have...
It is extremely difficult to get one. Best would be to...
I work in the city near the SOUK. Just behind the...
Sipho's very pregnant sister was in a car accident....
Kids sit in a South African classroom.
entertaining, thanks for giving me a good laugh. Most...
Sure you can. I do not have one, but hell why not. Men...
You got me noms! he he
I went there last week and the Baboons were gone....