for standard, you could use Fauna Shaman..
you could go Myr Propagator.. Propagator in graveyard...
sure sure! this coming weekend, my friend & i will...
Prerelease season for Scars of Mirrodin starting today...
at Madhinat Khalifa South.. near the traffic police...
in legacy, it's MerPox.. face & hand destruction!...
in response, activate Sygg's ability.. pro White!...
@pranzer: can't burn 'em with Sygg in play.. :D
got tired already.. sold my playset of revised Lord of...
for standard, you could use Fauna Shaman..
you could go Myr Propagator.. Propagator in graveyard...
sure sure! this coming weekend, my friend & i will...
Prerelease season for Scars of Mirrodin starting today...
at Madhinat Khalifa South.. near the traffic police...
at Madhinat Khalifa South.. near the traffic police...
in legacy, it's MerPox.. face & hand destruction!...
in response, activate Sygg's ability.. pro White!...
@pranzer: can't burn 'em with Sygg in play.. :D tired already.. sold my playset of revised Lord of...