over dose
i totally encourage the idea...yesterday we had a...
I dont give a sh****t to any1 so no1 remember it...
mariamme...love u maan :)
laurana I prefer u to pay for ur food rather than...
car is mandatory..u cant depend on cabs or public...
LOL bald u can if u share them with other low-points...
cheers chini
GGGGRRRRRRR:@:@ Ahmad & nadine ...forgot our...
ok ok u won i prefer the commision option :D
over dose
i totally encourage the idea...yesterday we had a...
I dont give a sh****t to any1
so no1 remember it...
mariamme...love u maan :)
I prefer u to pay for ur food rather than...
car is mandatory..u cant depend on cabs or public...
LOL bald u can if u share them with other low-points...
cheers chini
Ahmad & nadine ...forgot our...
ok ok u won i prefer the commision option :D