Born in Florida, raised in Chicago and live in the...
I took that pic near Santa Barbra last week..She drives...
There's no class in system in America...Nobody judges...
You can make fun of Americans, you can make fun of my...
....I don't think anybodies beat her on these winding...
Here's my Western Style Daughter leaving the ranch to...
It sounds like everything I enjoy is illegal..Me and...
My kids must have played X Box all night- He's still...
Are you sure you're not fabricating some these wild...
I just got up- 8 1/4 solid hours baby!
I let my...
Born in Florida, raised in Chicago and live in the...
I took that pic near Santa Barbra last week..She drives...
There's no class in system in America...Nobody judges...
You can make fun of Americans, you can make fun of my...
....I don't think anybodies beat her on these winding...
Here's my Western Style Daughter leaving the ranch to...
It sounds like everything I enjoy is illegal..Me and...
My kids must have played X Box all night- He's still...
Are you sure you're not fabricating some these wild...
I just got up- 8 1/4 solid hours baby!
I let my...