Turn left at Ramada lights down Salwa Road. At...
The student's answer to her brother should have been: "...
... will probably bottle out AGAIN. Chelski -...
Complain all you like - they'll change the charge for...
It is freekin tiny! I would not be caught dead driving...
Well done. Worth the hour
If you do not show up for work in Qatar for seven...
They are only allowed to drive whilst sitting on their...
---------------------------------- "If it ain't...
I bought a transformer last week from Radio Shack....
Turn left at Ramada lights down Salwa Road. At...
The student's answer to her brother should have been: "...
... will probably bottle out AGAIN.
Chelski -...
Complain all you like - they'll change the charge for...
It is freekin tiny! I would not be caught dead driving...
Well done. Worth the hour
...If you do not show up for work in Qatar for seven...
They are only allowed to drive whilst sitting on their...
"If it ain't...
I bought a transformer last week from Radio Shack....