Souq busy with surfers today?
Getcha webcam out...
whoah! That was a GOOD match :D
Hey are you...
I only open my mouth to put my foot in it?
I SO think that's who he looks like in his avatar...
You have a good 'eye'. (Must be those eye teeth!)...
about an Australian TV campaign depicting a 'Brit' (...
Maybe a drink at The Ramada sometime after 5.30 on...
Which obviously they do. Or are you asking if people (...
(and I now quote from their flyer!)
"The Ramada...
that the builder on the ZigZag Towers (or one of them...
Souq busy with surfers today?
Getcha webcam out...
whoah! That was a GOOD match :D
Hey are you...
I only open my mouth to put my foot in it?
I SO think that's who he looks like in his avatar...
You have a good 'eye'. (Must be those eye teeth!)...
about an Australian TV campaign depicting a 'Brit' (...
Maybe a drink at The Ramada sometime after 5.30 on...
Which obviously they do. Or are you asking if people (...
(and I now quote from their flyer!)
"The Ramada...
that the builder on the ZigZag Towers (or one of them...