Rezy - wat u talkin about?
WK - you have some suggestion for something special...
OK Reyz..point noted !
WK - yep replied them already saying hvnt shaved ;-)...
yeah WK says never take it at face value....
Colt - go chek yr its flooded with msgs !...
Colt - shout out to WK maybe he can play the flute 4u...
WK- no thanks. Im straight..spare me your company. Colt...
Colt- you must be jumping around now ! your gettin lots...
lol Colt..everyone knows yr a faggot ! I take back my Q...
Rezy - wat u talkin about?
WK - you have some suggestion for something special...
OK Reyz..point noted !
WK - yep replied them already saying hvnt shaved ;-)...
yeah WK says never take it at face value....
Colt - go chek yr its flooded with msgs !...
Colt - shout out to WK maybe he can play the flute 4u...
WK- no thanks. Im straight..spare me your company. Colt...
Colt- you must be jumping around now ! your gettin lots...
lol Colt..everyone knows yr a faggot ! I take back my Q...