Suzy dear now you don't waste yr time ;-)
Ok. Accha.. You may continue ;-)
accha... did Susan ask you to pay the rent? Just back...
Go to church and take priest advice.
Really amazing rare sofa with excellent price.
Nothing you can do !
Ok. Good luck with the sale. There are brand new ones...
It shows 2 prices, which of it is right?
Try putting some weight on yr application.
Very in'tree'sting
Suzy dear now you don't waste yr time ;-)
...Ok. Accha.. You may continue ;-)
accha... did Susan ask you to pay the rent? Just back...
Go to church and take priest advice.
Really amazing rare sofa with excellent price.
...Nothing you can do !
Ok. Good luck with the sale. There are brand new ones...
It shows 2 prices, which of it is right?
Try putting some weight on yr application.
Very in'tree'sting