William - a bachelor is not allowed to sponsor a 'maid...
You are not allowed to sponsor a housemaid of the same...
2,599 QAR in Virgin.
Qatarisun, the OP left Nigeria because she has a...
LOL azi, thanks for the laugh girl. For a moment I...
My underwired bras have never set any alarms at...
What do you mean by 'filipina uuuuuugggggggg' and '...
Panthra, would you like me to obey you just to please...
A whole bunch of rubbish to me. There are no such words...
Rattling a/c's in run-down cottages, bad upkeeping of...
William - a bachelor is not allowed to sponsor a 'maid...
You are not allowed to sponsor a housemaid of the same...
2,599 QAR in Virgin.
Qatarisun, the OP left Nigeria because she has a...
LOL azi, thanks for the laugh girl. For a moment I...
My underwired bras have never set any alarms at...
What do you mean by 'filipina uuuuuugggggggg' and '...
Panthra, would you like me to obey you just to please...
A whole bunch of rubbish to me. There are no such words...
Rattling a/c's in run-down cottages, bad upkeeping of...